July 10, 2024

It's been a while since the last time we shared photos of smiling, joyful children's faces. And it's been our mistake as it is happiness itself and multiplying pleasant moments in times of war that are the goal of the efforts of all benefactors who together with us fill up the parcels with humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine!   
With this post, we would like to once again acknowledge the sincere help of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine, Angel Fund Charity as well as other kind people who provided paper towels and books for children! This is how we become even more effective and useful for today's young Ukrainians!

Thanks to everyone involved!

June 24, 2024

Today we share with you the good news! We signed a memorandum with the reproductive health clinic ICSI Clinic https://icsi.clinic/!

We will cover all the details of the charity program a little later but will say in advance that the lives of some Ukrainian families will be able to shine with new shades of happiness!

Together to the Victory of light over darkness!


June 1, 2024


Child, childhood, Okhmatdyt: what do these words have in common? There is a common root: the root of kindness, help, and sincere positive emotions, which children feel while being treated in the walls of Okhmatdyt National Children's Specialized Hospital.
We came to greet the patients of three departments of the hospital on Children's Day! It happened so that we pleased not only them, but also ourselves as we had the opportunity to immerse in children's joys, to see sincere smiles on the faces of babies and older children, to add pleasantness to the days of various procedures and manipulations, which frighten most bright-eyed young Ukrainians.
Hope we were able to improve the lives of these children by making them a little happier while staying away from home. We believe childhood should be, no matter what, even in times of war...
We wish children health and as many reasons for joy every day!

March 28, 2024

On March 28, we held a humanitarian aid distribution in Kyiv for newly arrived IDPs with children and retired IDPs, IDPs with physical and mental disabilities.  
90 families received food kits provided by Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine. And we want to thank RMHC again and again for the stable food supplies for the vulnerable population of Ukraine!
Our distributions are always about communication with the people coming to us. Each one has a certain mood. We can say with confidence that despite the war and life that is not easy due to inflation and constant background stress, our people remain extremely humane and warm-hearted, which is seen in their eyes, words, actions... At least this applies to most of those who we have met before and this time.
At the same time after this distribution, we found food products that had been left behind by someone. Everything would have been fine if those products had been simply returned to us - we would have immediately given them to someone who really needed them... But we understand that this is an unpleasant feature of our time and a quite "normal" one for certain people who take just because they can take (not necessarily they need that humaniatarian aid). 
In this regard, we would like to appeal to those individuals, in a humane way, saying: "If you don't need food, don't take it as there are those who literally barely survive while you choose something delicious!".
It is very good that there are not many such people and we want to believe that we are really united in our humanity!
Let's move on, let's move together towards Victory!Thank you, Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine for your supporting us!

February 6, 2024

Life goes on, life is everywhere - it's around us and every time "I am at home" phrase now sounds in a special way for us, Ukrainians, because home is where we are, and we are Ukraine!

Let's not talk about the bad, about the things that don't allow us to relax at all... Instead, let's say that doing useful deeds we feel the power to fight together against the evil that has risen against our Motherland and our people!

Together - invincible, only together - we will win!

January 31, 2024

We are continuing to process almost 10,000 applications accepted in the autumn of last year. In reality, when you are looking for inspiration and strength in your own work, receiving photo reports from smiling people - children - is perhaps the biggest driver and motivation for us!
We are happy to share with you the smiles of our applicants and want to express our sincere gratitude to Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine and our other benefactors, who do not stand aside from the fate of the Ukrainian people in such difficult times for everyone!

December 29, 2023

On December 27, 2023, food kits for people with disabilities and senior citizens served by the Communal Institution of the Vorozhba City Council "Center for the Provision of Social Services" were taken. Thus, we have once again joined forces with Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine that provided humanitarian boxes, for which we are infinitely grateful!
Social workers of the center received the products and delivered them within 3 days to the elderly people they care for.

We were happy to help the most vulnerable residents of the Vorozhba community, which is located 7 km from the border with the aggressor country and often suffers from enemy shelling!

It is a blessing to realize that even under such conditions, people there keep their soul warmth and strive to support each other in word and deed!

November 21, 2023

When not everything depends on us and we are running out of products stocked for humanitarian parcels for the people, we feel powerless since the processing of applications is delayed... And the people are waiting, writing, and asking, always needing timely help.
That is why we were extremely happy to once again feel the support of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine that is so needed by the people of Ukraine now!
So we are moving on thanks to joint efforts and we believe that the Day of victory of light over darkness is getting closer and soon all of us will be able to heave a sigh of relief!

September 21, 2023

A year ago, we opened a form to fill out for people in need of humanitarian assistance. We opened it for only 1 hour and to be honest we did not expect that almost 10 thousand people would leave their requests! As a small unfunded charity we were nevertheless proud to take on the cause. Seeing so many people in need made us realize that we are moving in the right direction. So we are processing these applications little by little, and in a year we managed to send humanitarian aid to 3 thousand families. It is difficult to say whether it is a lot or a little: we will leave it to everyone's discretion.
We note that processing these applications and sending humanitarian boxes is not the only thing we have been doing and are doing during this difficult time for Ukraine and our people. In the same year, we transported more than 30 tons of food products for the population of the frontline areas!

It is already the fall of 2023 and we understand that we have to process 7,000 applications from last year, and that is far from all. Therefore, we are looking for donors and benefactors who will join the common good cause of the humanitarian front of Ukraine and help fill the food baskets with the most necessary things. We need flour, cereals, pasta, sunflower oil, meat and vegetable preservation, tea/coffee, sweets, hygiene products.

Your support is everything! Our unity is the way to Victory! Let's fight together!

August 1, 2023

Time is constantly moving forward, moving to the Day of victory over the aggressor! We believe in this with all our hearts and do what we can to support the population of Ukraine in these difficult times. Words are superfluous, deeds are working. Glad to be helpful!

June 19, 2023

From heart to heart - this is exactly what is happening now between the people of Ukraine in the humanitarian circle. Not knowing others personally, some people help them without having any profit from it!
It is so wonderful, it is support within the country at the level of interpersonal relations! There is a lot of confirmation of this in our life today - it is help to residents of the Kherson region flooded by Russian terrorists and help with products to the people suffering all over Ukraine because of the war and high prices for the most basic things needed for existence!
Sometimes help comes from where we didn't even expect it!
But always, always, we wholeheartedly appreciate the contribution to the common cause for the present of our country
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the good people and separately we would like to note the participation of our friend Mykhailo, who walks with us along the path of humanity and cares for the soul of Ukraine - its people!

June 1, 2023

In today's reality of Ukraine, Children's Protection Day should be each day! Thanks to our glorious Armed Forces and everyone involved in ensuring people's safety (every day for more than a year of war), we are alive on June 1, 2023! We can enjoy life like children, together with children!
May was dangerous for Kyiv, the night of June 1 was no exception: russia again terrorized the civilian population with rockets, stole the life of a child...
Despite everything, 50 IDP families with children were given goodies today. Chocolate products, milk, yogurts, croissants - everything that can sweeten life got into the hands of mothers and fathers of 150 children! The products of TM "MolokoFerma", "Nestle" and "Buryonka" were gladly handed over by us!
From the bottom of our heart, we thank the good people who joined this event! We believe that a peaceful life will soon be full of all the colors of a safe childhood! 

May 25, 2023

Today is a very positive day for us! The day when we once again united with Ronald McDonald House Charities in Ukraine in a good deed but this time on the occasion of the first anniversary of their charity program "Product Kit"!
How many good people and individual warm worlds are united by volunteer work in Ukraine and around the world! 205,000 food kits were given to Ukrainian families in Ukraine! 205,000 food kits supported people in the darkest times of the Ukrainian present!

Emotions overflow our hearts, emotions pour over the edge! It is so symbolic that RMHC's product kit has become extremely recognizable since the spring of 2022 and causes a happy smile on the face due to the realization of its significance!

We are extremely grateful to be one of the five charitable and public organizations of Ukraine that received an award from Ronald McDonald House Charities in Ukraine for the invaluable contribution to the implementation of the "Product Kit" program!

We believe in the power of unity! Let's continue uniting!

May 23, 2023

The smiling face of a volunteer who is not overcome by fatigue - this is what we see during all stages of providing you with humanitarian aid. "It's not time to relax" - that is what we hear all around and agree with it without a doubt! So, let's move on!
Step by step towards our common Victory!

Thanks to Nova Poshta and @novaposhta_humanitarian for helping people! Together we are bringing Victory closer!

May 1, 2023

Love to life. Love to people. Love to Ukraine. Love to peace. Love to every living creature. Love will win! 
With love in our heart,“P.F.C.U.” Charity

April 18, 2023

The process of providing humanitarian aid is constantly moving forward!

We are already like one team with the guys from Nova Poshta - we work side by side every time.
Thank you again @novaposhta_humanitarian for supporting our goals, for actual helping people!

Everything will work out for us, everything has already worked out for us!
And how else when we are motivated by a common deeds for the sake of our Ukraine's present?

To be continued!

April 13, 2023

We continue sending food parcels to the people who turned to us for help last fall.This time we would like to admin the collaboration with "Nova Ukraine" charitable fund which joins and supports our applicants for the second time.Last time "Nova Ukraine" charitable fund provided products for the Donetsk region. This week thanks to this fund we had something to send to 150 families of the Kyiv region! Thank you, "Nova Ukraine"!We are Ukraine! Together we are united strong Ukraine!

March 30, 2023


A few statistical data:
- more than 1,700 parcels with humanitarian kits since the opening of the last form for receiving aid;
- more than 400 parcels - only during this month;
- almost 100 of them - thanks to cooperation with @novaposhta_humanitarian

These are not just numbers.
Behind them are the families of Ukrainians having the hardest time right away.
Only by joining our efforts, we can help as many people as possible.

Together to Victory!

March 10, 2023

Ivanopillia and Deliivka in Kostyantynivka district, Donetsk oblast are small villages under constant fire from Russian missiles. Day by day, people lose their houses, health, life... The nearest city is Kostyantynivka that is just as dangerous. And the closer to the front the more tangible the war is.
Unfortunately, this has already become commonplace and the people of Donbas don't even bend down when explosions are heard, when shelling hits close. People are just trying to survive in such conditions but it is getting more and more difficult. Life seems to have stopped in this region. However, the eyes of the people of Donbas are burning, burning with the thirst to go on, to persevere and win!
On March 10, 2023, we had the opportunity to see and feel this during the distribution of food products in Ivanopillia and Deliivka. Thanks to the joint efforts of "P.F.C.U. Charity", Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/rmhcukraine/ and NGO "TIME FOR US" https://www.facebook.com/bondarenko.mklocal residents received food packages and coffee drinks. Angel Fund Charity https://www.facebook.com/angelfund.ua/ donated sweets for children, and NGO "SVITLYACHKY BLAGO" https://www.instagram.com/svitlyachkyblago/ provided candles, trench candles and hygiene products for adults (including diapers for people with reduced mobility and bedridden individuals).
The distribution itself took place due to our fearless guys from "Zakhysnyk" https://www.instagram.com/zakhysnyk.ukrainy/. They took all the provided products to the hot spot and distributed them to people despite the fact that the sounds of war were heard not far away!

Such trips help us see the face of war with our own eyes and remember that the future of our Ukraine is being decided here and now! We sincerely thank everyone involved and hope for further fruitful cooperation!

Everything will be Ukraine!

February 28, 2023

Over the past two weeks, in addition to the planned delivery of humanitarian aid to people, we were lucky enough to organize two distributions of food kits to families of IDPs, families with children, and other vulnerable population groups in Kyiv. This was possible thanks to the support that is not for the first time is provided to people through our organization by Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine https://www.facebook.com/rmhcukraine. About 100 food kits were received by people who registered earlier. "Wings of Hope" charity https://www.facebook.com/krylanadiyi.org.ua helped us with
breakfast cereals for people.

Words cannot express the whole spectrum of gratitude we feel during distributions as all together we spread goodness among people and feel the power of unity for the sake of the future of Ukraine. Caring is important to people - it makes it easier for them to go through the trials of war.

Thank you, Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine!
Thank you, "Wings of Hope" charity!

Moving forward with faith in our joint Victory!

February 28, 2023


If earlier post service was a convenient tool for sending and receiving parcels, then during the war, this means much more.
It's about being able to transfer support to people! 
And @novaposhta_humanitarian is doing itat the highest level!
With our joint efforts, we managed to transfer more than 3,000 food kits to those who need them most now!
We express our sincere thanks and hope for continued cooperation!
Glory to Ukraine!

February 22, 2023

Among our daily efforts to help people, the Donetsk region whose population suffers from Russia's constant insidious shelling is particularly painful. Every time we manage to help vulnerable people, we rejoice like children. This time, we are extremely grateful to "Nova Ukraine" charitable fund, which provided food kits for 150 families from the Donetsk region. 
For a year, people have been living there under increased danger conditions. Only at the end of autumn 2022, gas supply was finally restored to the residents; even in peacetime, running water was supplied to the population at times, while now due to the pipes damage there is sometimes simply no water. Many shops don't work, there is very little work in the the front-line zone towns, so people actually survive there. Many families with children, the majority of pensioners, and many families caring for elderly relatives and relatives with disabilities of physical and mental development found themselves under such conditions. 
We hope that in the near future we will be able to help the population of the Donetsk region. We believe that "Nova Ukraine" charitable fund will join our mission again!

February 20, 2023

Volunteer work and the volunteer initiative are constantly pushing the wheel of aid to the people of Ukraine who have been suffering for a year from the war insidiously unleashed by russia.
"Etnichni Myasnyky" trademark https://instagram.com/ethnicni_myasnyky?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= (Okhtyrka Meat Processing Works) supports the volunteer movement of Ukraine by providing good canned meat at a good price.
As volunteers, we know very well how difficult it is to find high-quality canned meat at a reasonable price. For us, the answer is the products of "Etnichni Myasnyky" trademarkWe can recommend these canned meat products to all volunteers and benefactors for purchase and further assistance to people!

February 16, 2023

Humanitarian aid was delivered to the residents of the suburbs of Kharkiv today. Food kits, water and sweets for children - all this is extremely necessary for people who don't have working shops nearby, people who have lived in cellars and without water for more than three months.
It was possible to organize aid with the assistance of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine, Angel Fund Charity and Volunteers' Coordination Headquarters Charity.
Thanks to joint efforts, the good reached even more Ukrainians!

February 14, 2023

Another humanitarian aid distribution was held for families of IDPs with children currently living in Kyiv.We try to do this as often as possible when circumstances allow us to do that. We understand how important support to people now.
Infinitely grateful to Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukrainehttps://www.facebook.com/rmhcukraine/ for a significant contribution!This is the third time we are cooperating with the RMHC. And thanks to this, we can help even more people!
Together we are the power❤️

January 1, 2023


New year - old partners! We are infinitely glad that there is stability and a feeling of solid ground under the feet of Ukrainians who hold on despite everything and thanks to the help of benefactors and volunteers!

The @novaposhta_humanitarian initiative once again contributed to sending food parcels to people.

Thank you from the bottom of our heart!

We believe that there will only be more - more help for the civilian population of Ukraine!

Together to victory!

December 26, 2022

Every day we collect, pack, arrange, send humanitarian packages to support people who need it. And the "Nova Poshta" partner program helps us a lot in this.
We have already sent more than 1,200 parcels since the deadline for applications alone!!!, a third of which are free, thanks to @novaposhta_humanitarian
We are very grateful to have partners we can rely on.
We hope for continued cooperation!
Everything will be Ukraine!

December 5, 2022


We have got good news: we recently received help from @nestle for families with children. So, we will be able to send food parcels with delicious baby food from Nestlé! 
Nestlé takes care of Ukraine by taking care of its children, and as we all know, children are the future of the nation!
From the bottom of our heart, thank you @nestle for your help! Tstep into the bright future of Ukraine together! Together to victory!resented by Natalia Lipskaya and her team!
Together we step into the bright future of Ukraine! Together - to Victory!

November 29, 2022

Nine months of the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people for their independence, for their identity are nine months of Ukraine's unity by its people!
For the second month in a row, @novaposhta_humanitarian initiative significantly reduces the expenses of P.F.C.U. Charity for the delivery of humanitarian aid to Ukrainians.
A low bow and a heartfelt thank you!Together stronger, together invincible!

November 28, 2022


Every day we receive hundreds of requests for help from families with children, and we try to do our best to somehow make the latter's lives easier.
So, after making an announcement about looking for owners for a used stroller, we quickly found a young couple who desperately needed it.
The smiling faces of the parents and the realization that the child now has something to sit and lie in while walks reminded us once again that we really benefit the people of Ukraine!
We are approaching victory in the heart of the country, while our men are defending the lands of our Motherland!

November 22, 2022

Recently, we have managed to help the children who visit Library No 115 in Kyiv. Not so long before that, we learned about the need for a piano, because the library administration was looking for ways for children to get distracted from the war, by immersing themselves not only in the books stories but also in the sounds of music. Thanks to a lucky chance, we had a piano that had been given to us by our friends. 
This is how we combined the good intentions of various people for the sake of the children of Ukraine! 
We are glad to help Ukrainians to abstract from the war and tune in to the wave of harmony with themselves!

October 31, 2022

Every week, we send hundreds of parcels to Ukrainians in need of help. That's why we constantly cooperate with Nova Poshta. We are thankful for their initiative @novaposhta_humanitarian, which allows getting a discount on charity parcels. This helped us send more than 100 parcels for free this month.  
We hope for further fruitful cooperation!  
Ukraine is united by its people!

October 19, 2022

Children are the future of Ukraine, our Motherland. It`s a pity recently children have been going through such difficult trials. For our part, we are trying to add positive emotions to youngest Ukrainians and their families.
Once again, we would like to celebrate the participation and thank Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine for the help! Thanks to the foundation, we were able to send parcels with the most necessary food products to a large number of people who applied for help to our charity!
Together stronger! Together to victory!
Everything will be Ukraine!
Все буде Україна!

October 7, 2022

We continue to process applications. We are extremely glad this time we were able to bring a little joy into the lives of 170 IDP families with children who are currently staying in Kyiv. This distribution of food kits took place thanks to the significant contribution of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine, which for the second time comes to help those who have turned to our organization for humanitarian aid!  
We are sincerely grateful to you, Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine! Together we make peace possible in the rear, while our soldiers defend the sky!  
Everything will be Ukraine!
Все буде Україна!

September 29, 2022


Last Wednesday, September 21, 2022, we opened a form that could be filled in by people in need of food assistance. Then we received almost 10,000 new applications, which our team diligently processes every day! Little by little, we are moving the delivery process for you, and the first 50 parcels will please the first applicants in the coming days! For us, the figure of 10,000 is a kind of challenge, yet we accept it! This is an indicator of the number of people waiting for support from our organization and we will provide it!
Ukraine is with us! We are Ukraine!

September 9, 2022

Words will not be enough to describe our feelings when we receive feedback from you! This motivates us to do everything possible so that the negative impact of the war is as little as possible for the people of Ukraine! Children's smiles, children's emotions, parents' joy or relief from the help they received warm us even when cold autumn is already creeping in from outside!
We believe in the power of the unity of good people! So there will only be more help, more goodness!
Glory to Ukraine!

August 31, 2022

This was our last day of summer, summer of help!
Life does not stand still, new realities push us forward. Every day, we receive hundreds of requests for help, while we are still actively fulfilling previous ones. Let's say just one thing - we rejoice like children when we see the results of our work and imagine your smiling faces at the moment of receiving humanitarian aid from our organization!
At the same time, the heart is warmed by the realization of how much the challenge of fate for our Ukraine united us all!
Once again, we express our gratitude to all caring people who find opportunities even where it seemed there were none!

August 26, 2022

Today we managed to help families with children in Kyiv with food products. We really want the aid wheel to continue spinning, and we are doing our best for this. As always, we are glad to see smiles on the faces of people who leave us not empty-handed!
Once again, we thank all the benefactors who contributed to the provision of humanitarian aid for people who applyed to our organization! Together and only together we are powerful!
Approaching victory here and now!
Everything will be Ukraine!

August 19, 2022


Today there was another formation of food kits for people who had asked for help from our charity organization. Every time we are happy, like children, putting products in parcels for you, because we feel like mini-magicians for the people of Ukraine!
We are thankful to all participants of charitable assistance because of who we can continue to be useful!A low bow to you all!
Everything will be Ukraine!

August 15-17, 2022

For three days in a row, on August 15, 16 and 17, we distributed dairy products and canned bulgur, cold tea and sweet drinks. In Kyiv, there are many internally displaced families with children who need daily food supplying. Hope we managed to help them together with guys from "Defender of Ukraine", "C1K", "Prof Fin Center Ukraine", "United for Ukraine" charitable foundation, "Molokoferma" chain stores and just good people who provided us with milk!
We want to leave such a memory in numbers. In three days we distributed:
 300 packages of yogurt with filling; 300 packages of kefir; 300 croissants with filling; 3000 packages of drinking ultra-pasteurized 2.5% milk "Selyanske 900 g."; 1056 packages of canned bulgur «ErFood» (200 g.); 1200 packages of fizzy drink «Frucade» ( 500 ml.); 800 packages of ice tea «Bra Tee» (750 ml.).
We believe in Ukraine! We feel our strength in unity!
To be continued!

August 12, 2022

After a short pause in the formation of parcels for you, we are glad to continue doing that and be useful.  
This time, we would like to acknowledge the contribution of "Chumak" trademark - thanks to this, we were able to add pasta products to the parcels and enable the food aid conveyor to work for peace.  
We are sincerely grateful to you, "Chumak" trademark!  
Hope that in the future you will be able to help the people of Ukraine through our charitable organization!

July 28-29, 2022

For two days, we participated in the distribution of food kits together with "United for Ukraine" charitable foundation and "Defender of Ukraine" territorial defense unit. On July 28, in the village of Fastivsky district, Kyiv region, families of territorial defense forces soldiers received food aid; and on July 29, elderly people living in Boryspil also felt cared for by volunteers.  
Happy to help, happy to be useful for our people and defenders of Ukraine!  
Glory to Ukraine!

July 22, 2022

For the second week in a row, every day we have been sending food packages to those who applied for such assistance. This became possible thanks to Amina Trademark, United for Ukraine charity, and Silpo Food LLC! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!  
We try to be useful also putting in the parcels items of individual hygiene needs for the youngest .  
For help with diapers and baby food, we would like to once again acknowledge Volunteers' Coordination Headquarters Charity in Kyiv and Nestle Trademark, respectively. Small hygiene products were provided to us by Prostor store chain. Infinitely grateful to you, friends!  
Thank you, our benefactors!  
Together we make people happier in these challenging times for Ukraine!

July 12, 2022

With the participation of "Auchan Ukraine" LLC, we arranged a mini-distribution of grocery sets in Kyiv. In this way, 15 IDP families received support from the Ukrainian supermarket chain.  
Thank you, "Auchan Ukraine" LLC team! We believe that our interaction will bring even more joy to the people!

July 8, 2022

Today, another good deed together with "Goodwill" charity had place. We want to thank the volunteers from "Goodwill". Today's humanitarian aid happened thanks to the charitable organization. In particular, we were able to provide food assistance to 50 families of Ukraine! 
Yes, only together we are stronger and will definitely withstand! 
We are infinitely grateful to "Goodwill" charitable organization! 
Well done!

July 5, 2022

We would like to note another humanitarian aid from "Auchan Ukraine" LLC , namely 15 food sets. This time we will be able to give them to 15 families of internally displaced persons in Kyiv. 
So far, thousands of families have already received humanitarian aid from our charity! 
We really hope that together with our partner "Auchan Ukraine" LLC we will support more people in the future! Thank you! 
Everything will be Ukraine!

July 1, 2022

The day before, we received another humanitarian aid from "Prostor" chain of stores. Now we can help children with care products. This is how today we pleased a mother and a boy who were forced to leave their home and move to the capital.  
Thank you Prostor for continuing support of the people of Ukraine! We are stronger together!

June 25-26, 2022

On June 25 and 26, 2022 our brave men from "ProfFinCentre Ukraine" and "C1K Crypto Finance Club" delivered humanitarian aid to the residents of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region!  
Thanks to their bravery, people who suffer from insidious shelling every day received food! For most of them, this is support itself! Residents of Northern Saltivka received more than 500 food kits, while several tons of products (pasta, and fruits), as well as medicines were delivered to the city of Lozova in the Kharkiv region.
The people's eyes speak for themselves! This is pain! This is a refusal to understand the atrocities of the Russian occupiers! This is silent rage! This is, after all, faith in the victory of Ukraine! This is a thank you for caring! 
We are infinitely proud of the support and help of our fearless guys! 
In addition, we would like to mention Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine, the Amina Trademark and other benefactors who joined us and helped people! 
Everything will be Ukraine!

June 20, 2022

Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine has become our another partner in providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine. 
The charity was happy to give us food kits for our wards. These kits have already pleased more than one family with children! 
In the future, even more smiles on the faces of mothers and children are awaiting us and Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Ukraine!
Thank you for your help!

June 17, 2022

We also received tangible humanitarian aid, that is flour and pasta, from the Amina Trademark. 
We are sincerely grateful to you for the understanding and support of Ukrainians! The guys themselves are staying in the city of Mykolaiv, which is subjected to shelling every day. Risking their lives, they continue to help everyone who needs it! 
Thank you, AminaTake care! Glory to Ukraine!

June 14, 2022

The EVA store line has provided us with some humanitarian aid, namely diapers and feminine hygiene products.  
We will help babies of the Kharkiv region with diapers, while women's hygiene products will be useful for female defenders of Ukraine!  
EVA, thank you and we believe that in the future your support will be felt by an even larger number of Ukrainians who have suffered because of Russian military aggression.

June 14, 2022

Got humanitarian aid from Nestle. The Nestle trademark takes care of the nutrition of the kids that stayed in Ukraine. This time we will give away baby food to mothers in the Kharkiv region, which again suffers every day due to massive shelling by the Russian occupiers.  
Thank you, Nestle!  
We would like to express special gratitude to the Lviv charitable foundation that is "Kryla Nadiyi" represented by Natalia Lipskaya and her team! You helped us a lot!  
More help for people is awaiting us in the future!

June 13, 2022

We picked up some humanitarian aid from Volunteers' Coordination Headquarters Charity in Kyiv who have been helping the people of Ukraine with extraordinary inspiration and perseverance since the first days of the full-scale invasion of the aggressor. The guys provided us with hygiene products and medicines, mainly for children of different ages. 
We are waiting for our continued close cooperation for the sake of Ukraine in this difficult time! Thank you very much! 
Everything will be Ukraine!

June 8, 2022


Today, MolokoFerma chain stores provided us with 150 loaves of bread, which we immediately handed over to the Territorial Center for Social Services of the Pechersk district of Kyiv. 
Retirees, people with disabilities and other wards of the center will soon taste delicious homemade bread! 
Thank you! Everything will be Ukraine!

June 3, 2022

Today in Kyiv, we held another distribution of humanitarian aid for internally displaced persons and retirees! You know, after such events the feeling of fatigue is overshadowed by the emotions of joy that we see in the eyes of people who suddenly received help and felt that they are valuable!  
I've already written a parable about a broom, each twig of which is easy to break, but the twigs in the bunch are much harder to break! So, there were many participants in today's distribution, namely the whole team of our "P.F.C.U." charity fund, "United for Ukraine" charity fund, "Taya" pasta producer, "Molokoferma" chain stores, "Prostor" chain stores, and just cool people! 
Today we distributed aid to more than 300 families! Thank you to everyone who participated in this event! By joining forces, we can do everything! We wish everyone peace, kindness, and warmth!

June 3, 2022

We truly thank MolokoFerma and Prostor chain stores for participating in humanitarian aid distribution! MolokoFerma is now among Ukrainian businesses that have joined our charity mission for Ukrainians in need. Mini-casseroles, homemade bread and canned food - that is what helped people to feel the "taste" of comfort and care for a moment!
We hope for further fruitful cooperation for ​​the sake our people and the victory of Ukraine!

June 2, 2022

We picked up the next batch of humanitarian aid provided by our partner Auchan Ukraine LLC for needy people. This time, in addition to the actual food products, we received toys, etc. We were also given children's clothes collected by Auchan Lybidska employees on their own initiative. 
We are infinitely grateful to the Auchan hypermarket chain! Thanks to your participation, we will not only send grocery baskets to people but also help children from the town of Huliaipole in the Zaporizhzhia region. 
We love what we do!

June 1, 2022

Today is June 1 - Children's Day. This year, perhaps for the first time we do feel and realize the importance of protecting our children, protecting our future! Happy to be involved in a good mission that helps Ukraine’s kids to smile every day in this difficult time! 
So far, we help big families and families taking care of their little ones without a livelihood. We are happy to see the smiling faces of children whose parents have already received humanitarian aid from our charity.

May 30, 2022

For two days (and that's not all) our "P.F.C.U." charity has been dealing with the distribution of food baskets. Each delivered parcel is more than 10 kg in weight! So far, we have sent about 1000 humanitarian aid parcels! 
We are very happy to help people! We believe that our Ukrainian family of like-minded people feels this!

May 25, 2022

Last night, together with Friends Charitable Foundation and Kyiv volunteers, we gave out food in Kyiv at Sofiivska Borshchahivka! 
More than 320 people from Donetsk, Lugansk, and Zaporizhzhya regions received food packages! We are very happy to be involved in such events! 
People, please be kinder and more sympathetic to each other!

May 17, 2022

We would like to thank Auchan Retail Ukraine for cooperating with our charitable foundation and providing food assistance. The food products are sorted out and will soon be sent to the families in need. We hope for fruitful cooperation in the future! Together we are bringing our victory! Glory to Ukraine!

May 15, 2022

Among our other tasks, we also help the wives of Ukraine’s defenders. 
For example, today a family from Mariupol received our parcel with food products. The name of the man in the foto is Yevhen, he volunteered for a territorial defense unit, then fought for the honor of Ukraine in one of the hot spots of our state, was wounded, treated and recovered in Kyiv. The moment of receiving the parcel coincided with a short period of time when Yevhen was staying at home with his family before leaving for a new location to defend our homeland. 
Together we are supporting Ukraine, together we are bringing our victory!


May 12, 2022

Prostor chain store was the first of beauty and care stores to help us, providing essentials for mothers and children. Representatives of Prostor understand that, unfortunately, too many families with children are now without livelihoods and among the essentials needed are diapers, baby bath supplies, skin care products for mothers and children, etc.We are sincerely grateful to Prostor! To be continued… Together we are stronger!

May 9, 2022


We continue to work on helping Ukraine and expanding our partner circle. 
Today a memorandum of cooperation was signed between “P.F.C.U.” Charity Organization Ukraine and the Estonian charity foundation MTÜ “I SUPPORT UKRAINE”. 
MTÜ “I SUPPORT UKRAINE” team provides us with technical and organizational assistance, namely they collect and sort out the applications for humanitarian aid that come to our charity every day so that people can receive it as soon as possible.

May 7, 2022

As you can see, our main task now is to provide for people who find themselves in a difficult situation due to Russian armed aggression on the territory of Ukraine. Here are the grocery kits we send for large families and other people who applied for humanitarian aid. Everything will be Ukraine!

April 23, 2022

This is how humanitarian aid is sent every day to those who need it. 
We form food baskets so that the recipient does not need food for some time. 
We realize that this supports our people and their faith in at least a minimally stable present.

April 15, 2022

Diapers and baby food products, as well as shampoos for children and families of internally displaced persons were sent to the settlements of Ivaniv and Chernihiv. We understand the difficulties our people going through everywhere now, where the armed conflict has disrupted normal course of life, depriving people not only of homes, jobs, but also of shops and money for which they could once buy everything they needed. 

April 5, 2022

There are many people in a difficult situation due to the armed conflict in Ukraine who need our help, namely large families and the elderly, the poor, retirees… We deliver grocery baskets in Kyiv every day and see the quiet joy in the people’s eyes.

March 27, 2022

A large batch of oranges was handed over to one of the medical institutions of the capital! 
We know that Vitamin C is not only a vitamin of health, but also a vitamin of joy and optimism that we all lack a little now. 

March 19, 2022

We assisted in handing over of a large batch of medicines and heat guns for our military. 
Now our defenders will not worry about the lack of medicine while being warm.

March 13, 2022

The life of the military in positions is very difficult. Our defenders need basic supplies like clothing and underwear. We did not stay away. At the request of representatives of the National Guard of Ukraine, they were provided with 240 items of clothing. 


Defenders of Ukraine are on combat duty around the clock. The service is especially difficult in the dark time. To make it easier, provide comfort and protect our soldiers, we have found and helped to hand over electric light sources that run on batteries.

March 12, 2022


As part of our assistance to residents of Ukraine internally displaced because of Russian military aggression, “P.F.C.U.” Charity Organization Ukraine helped find temporary housing in Transcarpathia for women with children. During two weeks of active work, we managed to provide decent living for more than 500 citizens of our state!
Families are now able to stay in comfort and warmth, as well as eat well. Women can pay full attention to their children. To date, our charitable organization is doing everything possible to ensure that internally displaced persons can live a normal life. Young children can play, attend creative classes, and read. In addition, evening film screenings are arranged for them. 
If any of you or your loved ones need help, contact us!Glory to Ukraine!

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